Sunday, May 8, 2016

FRCR 2B Rapid Reporting : The Beginning

Rapid reporting at present consist of viewing 30 radiographs in 35 minutes, writing which is normal OR abnormal and if 'abnormal', what is the abnormality you saw. Usually there is only one clear abnormality in the 'abnormal' x-rays.

And it requires to follow a diagnostic checklist FOR EACH RADIOGRAPH, so as not to miss any subtle abnormality. Every body part radiograph has its own checklist.

Deviating from the checklist can bring disastrous consequences to your overall result. 

Exam consists of Rapid Reporting (8 marks), Viva ( 8 + 8 marks) and Long cases reporting (8 marks). Out of which we need to get 24 out of 32 to pass the exam. And should not get less than 6 marks in more than two components. If we get less than 6 in more than two components (for example 5.5 + 5.5 + 5 + 8) and even if we make it up to 24, it's a fail.

0 to 24
24 ½
4 ½
25 to 25 ½
26 to 26 ½
5 ½
27 ½  to 28
6 ½
28 ½ to 29
29 ½
7 ½

 As we can see beyond the pass mark (6), it becomes increasingly difficult or in other words each mistake costs you more, going down from the 30 correct. (For example you got 29 correct, you will get 7 marks out of 8, loosing one mark for a single mistake).

Two things to remember is that however bad you do the RR, you will get 4 marks, and if you make 20 marks for the Viva and Long Cases, you can still pass, which is rather very difficult (7 + 7 + 6, 6.5 + 6.5 +7) and you will have to be exceptional to get that !. 2nd thing (common myth) its not like if you fail in one component ( get less than 6 marks), you will fail in the exam, and exemplified in the aforesaid example. (Similarly in Long cases, for a question which you don't know the answer, if you write anything, even if irrelevant, you will get '3' marks, giving you a fighting chance for getting the passing '6' marks average. On the other hand you just left the answer blank, you will get '0' marks)

You can get free great RR materials and instructions from Or you can purchase 30 RR packets from FRCR Academy. Other option is you make your own, with the help of few friends, whose interest and goals align with you.

We might not get 27/30 from the start itself. But with 'practice - practice - practice' we can reach the goal. Making an Individual RR Checklist and Reporting Templates will help.

 Sample RR template, which I used.

In the next few posts we will look into individual RR-Checklists, likely siting examples for each finding, which is going to be an arduous task ! .


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for an excellent insight into rapid reporting for 2B. I would like to add following free practice resource for RR by Med Mantra:
    I found it to be very useful. They have 10 free online packets.
